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Family Nutrition Resources from Extension
We help individuals and families make the healthy choice the easy choice.
FoodWIse Info Sheets
Read some quick tips for busy families
Helping your child try new foods | A probar nuevos alimentos
Build a better snack with healthy foods | Crear una merienda mejor con alimentos saludables
Mix up your meals with new ideas | Enriquezca sus comidas con nuevas ideas
How to store leftovers | Cómo conservar las sobras
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Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets
Explore our resources to help you buy and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables when they are growing in Wisconsin.
Recipes for Families – English / Spanish
Cucumber and Red Onion Salad | Ensalada de pepino y cebolla roja
Confetti Cabbage Slaw | Ensalada de col
Fresh Fruity Spinach Salad | Ensalada de espinacas con frutas frescas
Spring Vegetable Saute | Un salteado de verduras de primavera
Spiced Chunky Applesauce | Pure de manzana con especias
Crunchy Apple Salad | Ensalada crocante de manzanas
Zucchini and Tomatoes | Los calabacin y tomates
Oven-fried Potatoes | Papas fritas al horno
Italian Vegetable Casserole | Estofado tipi italiano con verduras
Squash-Apple Casserole | Plato de calabaza y manzana hecho al horno
Potato, Black Bean and Kale Skillet | Papa, frijoles negros y col rizada en la sarten
Recipes for Older Adults – English / Spanish
Microwave Baked Apple | Manzanas horneadas en el microondas
Oven-fried Potatoes | Papas fritas al horno
Peach or Berry Shortcake | Tartaleta de durazno o bayas
Roasted Tomatoes with Herbs | Tomates con hierbas al horno
Spanish Omelet Scramble | Omelet con hortalizas
Sweet Potato Patties | Pastelitos de camote
Zesty Peas & Carrots | Chicharos suculentos y sanahorias
Baked Zucchini Fries or Sticks | Palitos de calabacin fritos al horno
Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup | Sopa de brocoli y coliflor
Cabbage Comfort | Col reconfortante
Coffee Mug Peach Crisp | Crocante de durazno servido en taza de cafe
Fresh Fruity Spinach Salad | Ensalada de espinacas con fruta fresca
Quick Tips Videos
FoodWIse Quick Tips Videos provide suggestions for buying and preparing healthy food on a budget. Learn how to choose healthy drinks and snacks, mix up your meals, store leftovers, and understand food packaging dates.
Select videos by topic and language – English, Spanish and Hmong.
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Explore Partner Resources
MyPlate is a website to help you build healthy eating habits. MyPlate is a reminder to find your healthy eating style and build it throughout your lifetime. Everything you eat and drink matters. The right mix can help you be healthier now and in the future.
Cooking Matters provides recipes, tips and videos to inspire families to make healthy, affordable food choices.
Spend Smart. Eat Smart. by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach provides resources to help you plan, shop and cook healthy meals on a tight grocery budget.
MyPlate Kitchen provides recipes and resources to support building healthy and budget-friendly meals. Recipes are inspired by MyPlate and include healthy options from the food groups including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and fat-free and low-fat dairy.