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Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets
Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets is a guided tour curriculum designed to help familiarize Wisconsin residents to their local farmers’ market. The Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets curriculum consists of the following materials, available to download as a PDF or to purchase from The Learning Store:
The Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets Facilitator Guide consists of 23 6”x 4” cards with talking points for educators to cover during tours. The Facilitator Guide also contains directions for the accompanying activities. Activity sheets for participants are available in English and Spanish.
The Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets Participant Guide is a resource for participants which contains valuable information about common food assistance benefits found at markets, fruit and vegetable preservation, and other market and meal tips. The booklet is 5.5” x 8.5” and contains 32 pages of information tailored to adults and families. The Participant Guide is also available in Spanish.
The Discover Wisconsin Farmers’ Markets Senior Participant Guide is a resource for older adult participants which contains valuable information about common food assistance benefits found at markets, fruit and vegetable preservation, and other senior-specific market and meal tips. The booklet is 7” x 10” with enlarged text and contains 36 pages of information tailored to older adults and seniors. The Senior Participant Guide is also available in Spanish.
Additional resources for participants, including Farmers’ Market Recipes, Recipes for Seniors, a Seasonal Availability Chart, and a Kids in the Kitchen handout can be found on the FoodWIse Family Resources page.