I am a Double-Lung recipient (June 2003). After spending just over a month in the hospital, I came home to recoup. About the time, I was to do my rehab, I found out that I had crushed one vertebrae and cracked another, and the pain was too great to do anything but try to heal. So I did what I could at home until I felt strong enough, and decided to look for some type of exercise. Thankfully, I read about StrongWomen Program in my local newspaper and joined. Strong Women has truly given me back my strength and the ability to hold myself upright. With the crushed vertebrae, I already have a humped back, but I am determined, along with StrongWomen, to remain upright until I am 80. I believe whole heartily in the Strong Women Program, for so many reasons- body strength, better bones, better balance, body movement, everyday living and social interaction. So my advice is to get out there and join, make your life better and healthier. I am now leading a StrongWomen Class in Rock County.